Hot car, hot dog rescue—thanks to caring NYers who saw this pup locked in a car for over 2 hours & called 911!
Our cops responded discovering the car off, windows shut & distressed dog. They broke the window, got pup out & off to a vet for care. Criminal investigation continues.
【2022年07月21日訊】(記者陳俊村報導)美國一名男子日前在加州太浩國家森林(Tahoe National Forest)墜落深崖而受重傷,儘管他打電話求救,但搜救人員無法找到他的下落。所幸在他的寵物狗的帶領下,救援人員找到了他並將他救出。而這隻小狗也因其忠心護主的行為被譽為「靈犬萊西」(Lassie)。